/* ShipWars Universe & Objects See reality.h for ShipWars Reality Constants & Defaults. */ #ifndef OBJECTS_H #define OBJECTS_H #include <limits.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "eco.h" typedef struct _sw_vector_compoent_struct sw_vector_compoent_struct; #define SW_VECTOR_COMPOENT(p) ((sw_vector_compoent_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _sw_legend_struct sw_legend_struct; #define SW_LEGEND(p) ((sw_legend_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_object_struct xsw_object_struct; #define SW_OBJECT(p) ((xsw_object_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_ecoproduct_struct xsw_ecoproduct_struct; #define SW_ECO_PRODUCT(p) ((xsw_ecoproduct_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_ecodata_struct xsw_ecodata_struct; #define SW_ECO_DATA(p) ((xsw_ecodata_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_score_struct xsw_score_struct; #define SW_SCORE(p) ((xsw_score_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _sw_permission_struct sw_permission_struct; #define SW_PERMISSION(p) ((sw_permission_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_weapon_struct xsw_weapon_struct; #define SW_WEAPON(p) ((xsw_weapon_struct *)(p)) typedef struct _xsw_animation_struct xsw_animation_struct; #define SW_ANIMATION(p) ((xsw_animation_struct *)(p)) /* * Garbage Object Name String: */ #define SW_OBJ_NAME_GARBAGE "*Garbage*" /* * Default Object Permissions: * * Valid values are from 5 to 0, where 0 is the highest permission * level. */ #define SW_DEF_UID 5 #define SW_DEF_GID 5 /* * String Maximums: * * Includes the null terminating byte. */ #define SW_OBJ_NAME_MAX 33 #define SW_OBJ_PASSWORD_MAX 33 #define SW_OBJ_EMPIRE_MAX 9 #define SW_UNV_TITLE_MAX 128 /* * Invalid Name Characters: * * A string containing a list of characters (excluding the null * terminating byte) not permitted in an object's name. */ #define SW_INVALID_NAME_CHARACTERS ";,=\n\r\t#" /* * Maximums: */ #define SW_OBJECTS_MAX 100000 /* Per universe */ #define SW_OBJ_WEAPONS_MAX 9 /* Per object */ #define SW_CREDITS_MAX 2147483647 /* * Default Empire: */ #define SW_DEF_EMPIRE "IND" /* * Default Shield Frequency: * * Must be between SW_FREQ_MIN and SW_FREQ_MAX. */ #define SW_DEF_SHIELD_FREQ 180.20 /* * Default Com Channel: * * This value is an (int) that needs to be * 100 of the actual * value between SW_FREQ_MIN and SW_FREQ_MAX. */ #define SW_DEF_COM_CHANNEL 31000 /* * Tractor Beam Maximums: */ #define SW_TRACTOR_BEAM_MAX_OBJECTS 3 #define SW_TRACTOR_BEAM_MAX_RANGE 2.0 /* In real units */ /* * Object Types & Type Names: */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_ERROR -1 #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_ERROR "Error" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_GARBAGE 0 #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_GARBAGE "Garbage" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_STATIC 1 /* Non moving */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_STATIC "Static" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_DYNAMIC 2 /* Moves */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_DYNAMIC "Dynamic" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_CONTROLLED 3 /* AI controllable */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_CONTROLLED "Controlled" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_PLAYER 4 #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_PLAYER "Player" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_WEAPON 5 /* Pulse or projectile */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_WEAPON "Weapon" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_STREAMWEAPON 6 /* Stream */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_STREAMWEAPON "StreamWeapon" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_SPHEREWEAPON 7 /* Expanding sphere */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_SPHEREWEAPON "SphereWeapon" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_HOME 10 /* Starbases, planets, etc */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_HOME "Home" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_AREA 11 /* Nebulas, asteroid fields, pulsars, etc */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_AREA "Area" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_ANIMATED 12 /* Explosions */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_ANIMATED "Animated" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_WORMHOLE 13 /* Aka gates */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_WORMHOLE "Wormhole" #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_ELINK 14 /* External server link */ #define SW_OBJ_TYPE_NAME_ELINK "Elink" /* * Location Type Codes: * * Used by objects of type SW_OBJ_TYPE_AREA to determine it * area type or by all other objects to determine what area type * it is in. */ #define SW_LOC_TYPE_SPACE 0 /* Normal space */ #define SW_LOC_TYPE_STR_SPACE "Space" #define SW_LOC_TYPE_SPACE_TERRITORY 1 /* Normal space that is claimed */ #define SW_LOC_TYPE_STR_SPACE_TERRITORY "SpaceTerritory" #define SW_LOC_TYPE_NEBULA 2 #define SW_LOC_TYPE_STR_NEBULA "Nebula" #define SW_LOC_TYPE_ASTEROID_FIELD 3 #define SW_LOC_TYPE_STR_ASTEROID_FIELD "AsteroidField" #define SW_LOC_TYPE_PULSAR 4 #define SW_LOC_TYPE_STR_PULSAR "Pulsar" /* * IFF: */ #define SW_IFF_UNKNOWN 0 #define SW_IFF_FRIENDLY 1 #define SW_IFF_HOSTILE 2 /* * Engine states: */ #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_NONE -1 #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_OFF 0 #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_STARTING 1 #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_ON 2 #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_STR_NONE "None" #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_STR_OFF "Off" #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_STR_STARTING "Starting" #define SW_ENGINE_STATE_STR_ON "On" /* * Shield generator states: */ #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_NONE -1 #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_DOWN 0 #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_UP 1 #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_STR_NONE "None" #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_STR_DOWN "Down" #define SW_SHIELD_STATE_STR_UP "Up" /* * Cloak States: */ #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_NONE -1 #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_DOWN 0 #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_UP 1 #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_STR_NONE "None" #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_STR_DOWN "Down" #define SW_CLOAK_STATE_STR_UP "Up" /* * Damage Control States: */ #define SW_DMGCTL_STATE_OFF 0 #define SW_DMGCTL_STATE_ON 1 #define SW_DMGCTL_STATE_STR_OFF "Off" #define SW_DMGCTL_STATE_STR_ON "On" /* * Weapon Emission Types: * * These determine the firing style of the weapon. */ #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_STREAM 0 /* Supply = power left */ #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_PROJECTILE 1 /* Limited supply */ #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_PULSE 2 /* Supply = power left */ #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_STR_STREAM "Stream" #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_STR_PROJECTILE "Projectile" #define SW_WEP_EMISSION_STR_PULSE "Pulse" /* * Weapon Flags: */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_NO_LOCK (1 << 0) /* Does not lock on to * anything */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_FIRE_CLOAKED (1 << 1) /* Can be fired while * cloaked */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_NO_FIRE_SOUND (1 << 2) /* Quiet */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_FIXED (1 << 3) /* No rotate */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_PENETRATE_SHIELD (1 << 4) /* Penetrates the * target's shields and * damages its hull */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_DESTROYABLE (1 << 5) /* Can be destroyed by * other weapons */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_SMOKE_TRAIL (1 << 8) /* Leaves a smoke trail */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_SMOKE_PUFF_FIRED (1 << 9) /* Produces a smoke puff when fired */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_SHOCKWAVE_HIT (1 << 10) /* Produces a shockwave when it hits anything */ #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_NO_LOCK "NoLock" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_FIRE_CLOAKED "FireCloaked" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_NO_FIRE_SOUND "NoFireSound" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_FIXED "Fixed" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_PENETRATE_SHIELD "PenetrateShield" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_DESTROYABLE "Destroyable" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_SMOKE_TRAIL "SmokeTrail" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_SMOKE_PUFF_FIRED "SmokePuffFired" #define SW_WEP_FLAG_STR_SHOCKWAVE_HIT "ShockwaveHit" /* * Lighting flags: * * Vector lights, strobes, etc. * * Set in member lighting of each object. */ #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_VECTOR (1 << 0) #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_STROBE (1 << 1) #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_LUMINATION (1 << 2) /* Head lights */ #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_STR_VECTOR "Vector" #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_STR_STROBE "Strobe" #define SW_OBJ_LIGHT_STR_LUMINATION "Lumination" /* * AI (controllable objects) AI flags: * * Set in member ai_flags of each object. */ #define SW_AI_FOLLOW_FRIEND (1 << 1) #define SW_AI_FOLLOW_UNKNOWN (1 << 2) #define SW_AI_FOLLOW_HOSTILE (1 << 3) #define SW_AI_FOLLOW_ANY (SW_AI_FOLLOW_FRIEND | \ SW_AI_FOLLOW_UNKNOWN | \ SW_AI_FOLLOW_HOSTILE) #define SW_AI_FIRE_FRIEND (1 << 8) #define SW_AI_FIRE_UNKNOWN (1 << 9) #define SW_AI_FIRE_HOSTILE (1 << 10) #define SW_AI_FIRE_ANY (SW_AI_FIRE_FRIEND | \ SW_AI_FIRE_UNKNOWN | \ SW_AI_FIRE_HOSTILE) #define SW_AI_STR_FOLLOW_FRIEND "FOLLOW_FRIEND" #define SW_AI_STR_FOLLOW_UNKNOWN "FOLLOW_UNKNOWN" #define SW_AI_STR_FOLLOW_HOSTILE "FOLLOW_HOSTILE" #define SW_AI_STR_FIRE_FRIEND "FIRE_FRIEND" #define SW_AI_STR_FIRE_UNKNOWN "FIRE_UNKNOWN" #define SW_AI_STR_FIRE_HOSTILE "FIRE_HOSTILE" /* * Universe Legend: * * See reality.h for defaults. */ struct _sw_legend_struct { char title[SW_UNV_TITLE_MAX]; char version[SW_UNV_TITLE_MAX]; char ocsn[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX]; /* OCS Names */ char imgrefs[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX]; /* Image references */ char sndrefs[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX]; /* Sound references */ /* Unit conversions */ float ru_to_au; /* Sector geometry (in real units) */ float sect_x_len, sect_y_len, sect_z_len, sect_x_min, sect_x_max, sect_y_min, sect_y_max, sect_z_min, sect_z_max; /* Lost and found owner (must be a player) */ int lost_found_owner; /* New player start position */ long player_start_sect_x, player_start_sect_y, player_start_sect_z; float player_start_x, player_start_y, player_start_z; float player_start_heading, player_start_pitch, player_start_bank; /* Guest start position */ long guest_start_sect_x, guest_start_sect_y, guest_start_sect_z; float guest_start_x, guest_start_y, guest_start_z; float guest_start_heading, guest_start_pitch, guest_start_bank; /* Warn when antimatter drops below this value */ float antimatter_low_warning; /* Interval of damage being applied when flying through asteroid * fields (in ms) */ time_t asteroid_field_damage_int; /* Damage incured while flying through asteroid fields, * calculated by: * * hp -= asteroid_field_damage_rate * size_ru * * velocity_coeff / cycle */ float asteroid_field_damage_rate; /* Autodestruct damage range (in real units) */ float auto_destruct_damage_range; /* Cloak antimatter consumption rate, calculated by: * * antimatter -= size_ru * cloak_antimatter_rate / cycle */ float cloak_antimatter_rate; /* Com Message & Hail Range (in real units) */ float com_range; /* Damage control repair rate, calculated by: * * hp += damage_control_rate * power * power_purity / * cycle */ float damage_control_rate; /* Disarmed weapon lifespan (in ms) * * This value can also be: * * 0 = infinate * 1 = no change (use weapon's current life span) */ time_t disarmed_weapon_lifespan; /* Engine antimatter consumption rate, calculated by: * * antimatter -= engine_antimatter_rate * throttle / cycle */ float engine_antimatter_rate; /* Thrust output is multiplied by this coefficient when out of * antimatter */ float no_antimatter_thrust_coeff; /* Hit points coefficient in which a controlled or player object * is set on fire if it drops below this coefficient * (hp / hp_max) */ float on_fire_hp_coeff; /* Tractor beam antimatter consumption rate, calculated by: * * antimatter -= size_ru * tractor_beam_antimatter_rate / * cycle */ float tractor_beam_antimatter_rate; /* Tractor beam range (in real units) */ float tractor_beam_range; /* Transporter range (in real units) for economy * transactions */ float transporter_range; }; /* * Data Types: */ typedef u_int64_t sw_flags_t; /* All purpose flags type */ typedef float sw_credits_t; /* Credits */ typedef float sw_rmu_t; /* Raw Materials */ /* * Vector Compoent: */ struct _sw_vector_compoent_struct { float i, j, k; }; /* * Economy Product: */ struct _xsw_ecoproduct_struct { char name[ECO_PRODUCT_NAME_MAX]; int ocs_code; /* OCS code for this product or 0 * if not applicable (used to identify * this product) */ /* Cost of product per 1 unit */ sw_credits_t sell_price, /* Price if being bought from customer */ buy_price; /* Price if being sold to customer */ float amount, /* How much in sellable stock */ amount_max; /* Maximum possible in stock */ }; /* * Economy: */ struct _xsw_ecodata_struct { eco_flags_t flags; /* General flags */ /* Tax coefficient value applied to unit buy or sell price * For example, 1.2 would mean 20%, so if the unit buy price * is 10 credits then with tax applied it would be 12 credits */ float tax_general, tax_friend, tax_hostile; xsw_ecoproduct_struct **product; int total_products; }; /* * Score: */ struct _xsw_score_struct { sw_credits_t credits; /* Universal credits (money) */ sw_rmu_t rmu, /* Raw material units */ rmu_max; /* Maximum raw material units */ float damage_given; float damage_received; int kills; }; /* * Permission: */ struct _sw_permission_struct { int uid, /* User ID, 0 is highest */ gid; /* Group ID, 0 is highest */ }; /* * Weapon: */ struct _xsw_weapon_struct { sw_flags_t flags; /* Any SW_WEP_FLAG_* */ int ocs_code; /* Object create script to use to * fire this weapon */ int emission_type; /* One of SW_WEP_EMISSION_* */ /* Quantity remaining and max, for emission_type = * SW_WEP_EMISSION_PROJECTILE only */ int amount, max; float damage_hull, /* Damage to hull at 100% yield */ damage_shields; /* Damage to shields at 100% yield */ long range; /* Length of stream weapons (in * screen units), for emission_type = * SW_WEP_EMISSION_PROJECTILE only */ float create_power; /* Power needed for a unit fire */ time_t delay, /* Interval between firings (in ms) */ last_used; /* Last fired (in ms) */ /* Sound references */ int use_sndref, /* Just before firing */ fire_sndref, /* Fire sound */ hit_sndref, /* When an object is hit */ reclaim_sndref; /* When this weapon is picked up */ char name[SW_OBJ_NAME_MAX]; }; /* * Animation: */ struct _xsw_animation_struct { time_t interval; /* Milliseconds between frames */ time_t last_interval; /* Last millitime frame was inc */ int current_frame; /* Current frame number */ int total_frames; /* Total number of frames */ int cycle_count; /* Times repeated */ int cycle_times; /* Total times to repeat */ }; /* * ShipWars Object: */ struct _xsw_object_struct { int type; /* Type of object */ sw_flags_t ext_flags; /* Proprietery flags used solely by * the client, server, user, etc */ char name[SW_OBJ_NAME_MAX]; char *password; char empire[SW_OBJ_EMPIRE_MAX]; char *description; char *elink; /* The elink value for ELINK objects */ time_t last_updated; /* Last updated by client or * server (in ms) */ time_t last_connected; /* In seconds */ int loc_type; /* Type of location object is in */ int loc_obj_num; /* Area object number that this object * is in or -1 for none */ int imgref; /* Image reference number */ int owner; /* Object that owns this object or * -1 for none */ long size; /* Radius of object size in screen units */ int locked_on; /* Object number that this object is * locked on or -1 for none */ int intercepting_object; /* Object number that this * object is intercepting or * -1 for none */ float scanner_range; /* In real units */ long sect_x, /* Current sector */ sect_y, sect_z; float x, /* Coordinate position in sector */ y, z; float heading, /* In radians */ pitch, /* In radians (not implmented yet) */ bank; /* In radians (not implmented yet) */ sw_vector_compoent_struct attitude_vector_compoent; float velocity; float velocity_max; float velocity_heading, /* In radians */ velocity_pitch, /* In radians (not implmented yet) */ velocity_bank; /* In radians (not implmented yet) */ sw_vector_compoent_struct momentum_vector_compoent; float thrust_dir; /* In radians (for omni directional thrust) */ float thrust; /* throttle * thrust_power */ float thrust_power; /* Full power of thrust */ float throttle; /* 0.0 to 1.0 */ char engine_state; /* One of SW_ENGINE_STATE_* */ float turnrate; /* In radians per cycle */ float odometer; /* Total cumulative distance * traveled in real units */ sw_flags_t lighting; /* Vector lights, strobes, etc switches */ float hp, /* Hull or density */ hp_max; float power, power_max; float power_purity; /* 0.0 to 1.0 */ float core_efficency; /* In power units per cycle */ float antimatter, antimatter_max; int shield_state; /* One of SHIELD_STATE_* */ float shield_frequency; /* In KHz */ int selected_weapon, total_weapons; /* May not be greater than SW_OBJ_WEAPONS_MAX */ time_t birth_time; /* In ms */ time_t lifespan; /* In ms, 0 means never dies */ int creation_ocs; /* The OCS used to create this * object, 0 for none (used for * weapons reclaiming) */ int cloak_state; /* One of CLOAK_STATE_* */ float cloak_strength; /* 0.0 to 1.0, when cloak is on, * cloak_strength reduces visibility */ time_t last_cloak; /* Last cloak raised or lower, in ms */ time_t cloak_refractory_int; /* Delay before you can cloak * again or fire a weapon, * in ms */ float visibility; /* Normal visibility: 0.0 to 1.0 */ float cur_visibility; /* Actual current visibility */ float shield_visibility; /* When greater than 0.0, * shields are visibable */ int damage_control; /* One of DMGCTL_STATE_* */ int com_channel; /* In * 100 units */ time_t auto_destruct_next; /* Time to when auto destruct * should occure in systime * seconds (0 for none) */ /* AI flags (for type XSW_OBJ_TYPE_CONTROLLED only) */ sw_flags_t ai_flags; /* Objects being tractored */ int *tractored_object; int total_tractored_objects; /* Permissions */ sw_permission_struct permission; /* Animation */ xsw_animation_struct animation; /* Score (dynamically allocated) */ xsw_score_struct *score; /* Weapons (dynamically allocated, limited to SW_OBJ_WEAPONS_MAX) */ xsw_weapon_struct **weapons; /* Economy (dynamically allocated) */ xsw_ecodata_struct *eco; }; #endif /* OBJECTS_H */