	Targa Image File Format Library

#ifndef TGA_H
#define TGA_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

 *   Master version numbers:
#define TgaLibraryVersion	"1.4"
#define TgaVersionMajor		1
#define TgaVersionMinor		4

 *   Error return codes:
 *      These are error codes returned by the TGA Library functions.
#define TgaSuccess              0
#define TgaNoBuffers            1
#define TgaBadHeader            2
#define TgaBadValue             3
#define TgaNoFile               4
#define TgaNoAccess             5

 *   Error severity codes:
 *      Error severity levels used in TgaReportError().
 *	These codes are only used by interal TGA library functions.
#define TgaErrorLevelWarning    0
#define TgaErrorLevelMinor      1
#define TgaErrorLevelModerate   2
#define TgaErrorLevelCritical   3

 *   Length of TGA file header.
#define TgaHeaderLength		0x12

 *   Tga data type codes:
 *	Byte 0x02 of the Tga header has one of these values.
#define TgaDataTypeNoImage		0x00

#define TgaDataTypeUColorMapped		0x01
#define TgaDataTypeURGB			0x02
#define TgaDataTypeUBW			0x03

#define TgaDataTypeREColorMapped	0x09
#define TgaDataTypeRERGB		0x0a

#define TgaDataTypeCBW			0x0b

#define TgaDataTypeCHuffman		0x20
#define TgaDataTypeCHuffmanQ		0x21

 *   Tga image descriptors bit positions:
 *	Byte 0x12 of the Tga header has bits of these values.
 *	NOTE: To comform to AT&T, all bits in byte 0x12 should be 0.
 *	However this is NOT always the case since some programs do
 *	not comform to this.
 *	In most cases, TgaDescBitFliped is the bit you need to watch out
 *	for.
#define TgaDescBitAttrBit0	0x00    /* Attr bits per pixel. */
#define TgaDescBitAttrBit1	0x00	/* Attr bits per pixel. */
#define TgaDescBitAttrBit2	0x00	/* Attr bits per pixel. */
#define TgaDescBitAttrBit3	0x00	/* Attr bits per pixel. */
#define TgaDescBit4		0x00	/* Bit 4 is reserved. */
#define TgaDescBitFliped	0x20	/* False = upside down image. */
#define TgaDescBitIntLeavFlag0	0x00    /* Data storage interleaving flag. */
#define TgaDescBitIntLeavFlag1	0x00    /* Data storage interleaving flag. */

 *   Byte packing macros:
# define BYTES_PER_PIXEL8	1	/* For rrgg gbbb. */

# define BYTES_PER_PIXEL15	2	/* For arrr rrgg gggb bbbb. */

# define BYTES_PER_PIXEL16	2	/* For rrr rrggg gggb bbbb. */

# define BYTES_PER_PIXEL24	4       /* Same as BYTES_PER_PIXEL32 */

# define BYTES_PER_PIXEL32	4

 *	Bit packing (should be defined first in os.h):
#ifndef PACK8TO8
# define PACK8TO8(r,g,b)	(u_int8_t)((r>>5)<<5)+((g>>5)<<2)+(b>>6)

#ifndef PACK8TO15
# define PACK8TO15(r,g,b)	(u_int16_t)((r>>3)<<10)+((g>>3)<<5)+(b>>3)

#ifndef PACK8TO16
# define PACK8TO16(r,g,b)	(u_int16_t)((r>>3)<<11)+((g>>2)<<5)+(b>>3)

#ifndef PACK8TO32
# define PACK8TO32(a,r,g,b)	(u_int32_t)((a<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b))

 *   TGA Data Structure.
typedef struct {

	FILE *fp;		/* Set on partial reads only. */

	/* Header data of image fetched from file. */
	u_int8_t id_field_len;
	u_int8_t cmap_type;
	u_int8_t img_type;

	u_int32_t cmap_origin;
	u_int32_t cmap_length;
	u_int32_t cmap_size;		/* 16, 24, or 32 allowed. */

	int x, y;			/* Origin of image (on client program?). */
	unsigned int width, height;
	unsigned int depth;		/*   Depth of data store ON FILE.
					 *   Can be 1, 8, 16, 24, or 32.

	u_int8_t descriptor;		/* Descriptor flags. */

	u_int8_t bits_per_pixel;	/*   Bits per pixel as stored ON
					 *   FILE!

	/* Statistical information. */
	off_t file_size;    /* In bytes, size of entire file. */
	off_t data_size;    /* In bytes, size of image data. */

	int cur_load_pixel;	/*   Bookmark on where we left off
				 *   during loading, in units of pixels.

	/* Loaded data: Data in memory. */
	u_int8_t *header_data;		/* In raw data (exact as on file). */

	u_int8_t *data;			/* In ZPixmap data format. */
	u_int8_t data_depth;		/* Bits per pixel of loaded data. */

} tga_data_struct;

 *   Returns the version number of this library.
extern int TgaQueryVersion(int *major_rtn, int *minor_rtn);

 *   Used internally by TGA library functions for reporting errors.
extern void TgaReportError(char *filename, char *reason, int how_bad);

 *   Reads the TGA header from the file filename.
 *   IMPORTANT: You do NOT need to call this function prior to
 *   TgaReadFromFile() or TgaReadFromData().
extern int TgaReadHeaderFromFile(
	char *filename,
	tga_data_struct *td

 *   Reads the TGA header from the unsigned char buffer pointed to by
 *   data.
 *   IMPORTANT: You do NOT need to call this function prior to
 *   TgaReadFromFile() or TgaReadFromData(). 
extern int TgaReadHeaderFromData(
	u_int8_t *data,
	tga_data_struct *td

 *   Reads the TGA data (including header data) from *filename
 *   to *td.
 *   filename is the name of the TGA file.
 *   td is the structure in which the loaded data will be put into.
 *   depth is the bit depth of the destination data format.  Valid
 *   depth values are 16, 24, or 32.  Note that passing 24 will
 *   be the same as 32.
 *   The loaded format will be compliant to the XImage ZPixmap format.
 *   Thus the data is ready to be used for an XImage's data.
 *   Do NOT call TgaReadHeader() prior to this call!  By calling this
 *   function, both the image and header data will be loaded in one
 *   step.
extern int TgaReadFromFile(
	char *filename,
	tga_data_struct *td,
	unsigned int depth

 *   Reads the TGA data (including header data) from buffer pointed
 *   by data.
 *   td is the structure in which the loaded data will be put into.
 *   depth is the bit depth of the destination data format.  Valid
 *   depth values are 8, 16, 24, or 32.  Note that passing 24 will
 *   be the same as 32.
 *   The loaded format will be compliant to the XImage ZPixmap format.
 *   Thus the data is ready to be used for an XImage's data.
 *   Do NOT call TgaReadHeader() prior to this call!  By calling this
 *   function, both the image and header data will be loaded in one
 *   step.
extern int TgaReadFromData(
	u_int8_t *data,
        tga_data_struct *td,
        unsigned int depth

 *      Sets up td to begin reading tga file filename.
 *      Once this call has been made, you may use
 *      TgaReadPartialFromFile() to begin reading the data.
 *      depth is the bit depth of the destination data format.  Valid
 *      depth values are 8, 16, 24, or 32.  Note that passing 24 will
 *      be the same as 32.
extern int TgaStartReadPartialFromFile(
	char *filename,
	tga_data_struct *td,
        unsigned int depth

 *   Reads a specific number of pixels from file.
 *   The td must be initialized prior by a call to
 *   TgaStartReadPartialFromFile().
extern int TgaReadPartialFromFile(  
        tga_data_struct *td, 
        unsigned int depth,  
        unsigned int n_pixels

 *   Writes the tga image data contained in td to
 *   the file filename at the target depth specified.
extern int TgaWriteToFile(
	char *filename,
	tga_data_struct *td,
	unsigned int depth

 *   Frees all allocated memory in td.
extern void TgaDestroyData(tga_data_struct *td);

 *   Checks if *filename is a valid TGA file, returns
 *   TgaSuccess if it is a valid TGA file or appropriate error
 *   if it is not.
extern int TgaTestFile(char *filename);

 *      Dithering functions in tgadither.c (used internally):
extern u_int8_t TgaDitherRedPixel8(
        int RedValue,
        int Xp,
        int Yp
extern u_int8_t TgaDitherGreenPixel8(
        int GreenValue,
        int Xp,
        int Yp
extern u_int8_t TgaDitherBluePixel8(
        int BlueValue,
        int Xp,
        int Yp

#endif /* TGA_H */