
Introduction To libjsw

The libjsw system is a methoid for UNIX programs to interact with the joysticks and other game controllers using a standardized methoid of input and output.

The libjsw system consists of a library (libjsw) and supporting programs such as jscalibrator that interact with the libjsw system at the library level.

This makes possible, a common set of calibration and correction values for all programs that use libjsw. There is also a version of libjsw for Win32, enabling UNIX programs that use libjsw to be portable to Windows.


The libjsw system uses the following terms to describe calibration.

How libjsw Works

libjsw calibrates joysticks using jscalibrator or any compliant supporting software. See How To Calibrate for instructions on using jscalibrator to calibrate your joysticks.

Calibrated joystick values are usually stored in the file .joystick located in the user's home directory. If you do not have this file then you should run jscalibrator to calibrate your joysticks for the first time. The Win32 version of libjsw stores the calibration in the file C:\WINDOWS\LIBJSW.INI

When a program that uses the libjsw library runs and decides to open a joystick using the libjsw library, libjsw first checks for the calibration file and if it exists it will be loaded along with the joystick that the program wants to open. The program can then request values from the joystick through libjsw, libjsw can give either raw joystick values or calibrated corrected output values (whichever the program wants).

Note that libjsw cannot provide calibrated and corrected output if the calibration file does not exist. Remember to calibrate your joystick(s) first, before running any program that uses libjsw. You may also need to calibrate your joysticks periodically from time to time, since the mechanical parts within a joystick may errode with time and use.

To learn how to write your own programs to use libjsw, see man JSIntro or visit the libjsw home page at http://wolfpack.twu.net/libjsw

Error Correction

The libjsw system offers several layers of advanced error correction. When correction level is set to level 1 or higher, libjsw will take input values from the physical joystick and give corrected output values for functions JSGetAxisCoeff() and JSGetAxisCoeffNZ() (see man JSGetAxisCoeff for programming information). The correction that libjsw performs on the pipeline is as follows:

  1. Get raw input values from joystick
  2. Ignore if no change
  3. If input value falls inside the null zone then output a value of 0.
  4. If input value falls inside the dead zone then correct it and output the corrected value.
  5. All else take input value and output a value based on the axis position from the maximum as a coefficient.

The above are generalized outlines of what to expect with corrected values, they do not represent the exact equations used by libjsw (inquire with authors about that).

Below is a graph that represents the input versus output values using error correction with a defined null zone and dead zone.

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