#include "esd-server.h" #include /*******************************************************************/ /* globals */ esd_sample_t *esd_samples_list = NULL; int esd_playing_samples = 0; int esd_next_sample_id = 1; /* sample id = 0 is an error */ /*******************************************************************/ /* prototypes */ void free_sample( esd_sample_t *sample ); void dump_samples(void); /*******************************************************************/ /* for debugging purposes, dump the list of the clients and data */ void dump_samples() { esd_sample_t *sample = esd_samples_list; if ( !esdbg_trace ) return; while ( sample != NULL ) { printf( "<%02d> %s: %d bytes [%p] \n", sample->sample_id, sample->name, sample->sample_length, sample ); sample = sample->next; } return; } /*******************************************************************/ /* deallocate memory for the sample */ void free_sample( esd_sample_t *sample ) { /* free any memory allocated with the sample */ free( sample->data_buffer ); /* free the sample memory itself */ free( sample ); ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> freed sample: [0x%p]\n", sample->sample_id, sample ); ); return; } /*******************************************************************/ /* add a complete new client into the list of samples at head */ void add_sample( esd_sample_t *sample ) { /* printf ( "adding sample 0x%p\n", new_sample ); */ if ( !sample ) { ESDBG_TRACE( printf( " can't add non-existent sample!\n" ); ); return; } sample->next = esd_samples_list; esd_samples_list = sample; return; } /*******************************************************************/ /* erase a sample from the sample list */ /* TODO: add "force kill" boolean option */ void erase_sample( int id, int force ) { esd_sample_t *previous = NULL; esd_sample_t *current = esd_samples_list; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> erasing sample\n", id ); ); /* iterate until we hit a NULL */ while ( current != NULL ) { /* see if we hit the target sample */ if ( current->sample_id == id ) { /* if the ref count is non-zero, just flag it for deletion */ if ( current->ref_count && !force ) { ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> erasing sample - deferred\n", id ); ); current->erase_when_done = 1; return; } /* ref_count is zero, get rid of it */ if ( previous != NULL ){ /* we are deleting in the middle of the list */ previous->next = current->next; } else { /* we are deleting the head of the list */ esd_samples_list = current->next; } /* erase last traces of sample from existence */ free_sample( current ); return; } /* iterate through the list */ previous = current; current = current->next; } /* hmm, we didn't find the desired sample, just get on with life */ printf( "<%02d> sample not found\n", id ); return; } /*******************************************************************/ /* allocate and initialize a sample from client stream */ #define min(a,b) ( ( (a)<(b) ) ? (a) : (b) ) int read_sample( esd_sample_t *sample ) { int actual = 0, total = sample->cached_length; esd_client_t *client = (esd_client_t *) sample->parent; short data, *pos; short *buffer = (short*) sample->data_buffer; ESDBG_COMMS( printf( "{rs} resuming sample cache at %d\n", total ); ); while ( ( total < sample->sample_length ) && ( actual >= 0 ) ) { ESD_READ_BIN( sample->parent->fd, sample->data_buffer + total, min( esd_buf_size_octets, sample->sample_length-total), actual, "rd_samp" ); if ( actual == 0 || ( actual < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR ) ) return 0; if ( actual > 0 ) { /* endian swap multi-byte data if we need to */ if ( client->swap_byte_order && ( (sample->format & ESD_MASK_BITS) == ESD_BITS16 ) ) { printf( "swapping...\n" ); for ( pos = buffer + total / sizeof(short) ; pos < buffer + actual / sizeof(short) ; pos += sizeof(short) ) { data = swap_endian_16( (*pos) ); *pos = data; } } /* irix may return -1 if no data */ total += actual; } } /* TODO: what if total != sample_length ? */ ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> %d bytes total\n", sample->sample_id, total ); ); sample->cached_length = total; return 1; } /*******************************************************************/ /* allocate and initialize a sample from client stream */ esd_sample_t *new_sample( esd_client_t *client ) { esd_sample_t *sample; int client_id, actual; /* make sure we have the memory to save the client... */ sample = (esd_sample_t*) malloc( sizeof(esd_sample_t) ); if ( sample == NULL ) { return NULL; } /* and initialize the sample */ sample->next = NULL; sample->parent = NULL; sample->format = *(int*)(client->proto_data); sample->rate = *(int*)(client->proto_data + sizeof(int)); sample->sample_length = *(int*)(client->proto_data + 2 * sizeof(int)); sample->format = maybe_swap_32( client->swap_byte_order, sample->format ); sample->rate = maybe_swap_32( client->swap_byte_order, sample->rate ); sample->sample_length = maybe_swap_32( client->swap_byte_order, sample->sample_length ); strncpy( sample->name, client->proto_data + 3 * sizeof(int), ESD_NAME_MAX ); sample->name[ ESD_NAME_MAX - 1 ] = '\0'; sample->sample_id = esd_next_sample_id++; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> sample %s: 0x%08x at %d Hz\n", sample->sample_id, sample->name, sample->format, sample->rate ); ); /* force to an even multiple of 4, do it in the player */ sample->data_buffer = (void *) malloc( sample->sample_length ); /* if not enough room for data buffer, clean up, and return NULL */ if ( sample->data_buffer == NULL ) { free( sample ); return NULL; } /* set ref. count, cached_length, and other housekeeping values */ sample->cached_length = 0; sample->ref_count = 0; sample->erase_when_done = 0; sample->left_vol_scale = sample->right_vol_scale = ESD_VOLUME_BASE; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> sample %s: [0x%p] - %d bytes\n", sample->sample_id, sample->name, sample, sample->sample_length ); ); client_id = maybe_swap_32( client->swap_byte_order, sample->sample_id ); ESD_WRITE_INT( client->fd, &client_id, sizeof(client_id), actual, "ns ack" ); return sample; } /*******************************************************************/ /* find a half-cached sample from client stream */ esd_sample_t *find_caching_sample( esd_client_t *client ) { esd_sample_t *sample = esd_samples_list; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "{fs} finding sample [%p]\n", client ); ); /* iterate until we hit the end */ while ( sample != NULL ) { /* see if we hit the target sample */ if ( sample->parent == client ) { ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> resuming sample %s: [%p] - %d bytes\n", sample->sample_id, sample->name, sample, sample->sample_length ); ); break; } } return sample; } /*******************************************************************/ /* spawn a player for this sample */ int play_sample( int sample_id, int loop ) { esd_player_t *player = NULL; player = new_sample_player( sample_id, loop ); if ( player == NULL ) return 0; add_player( player ); return 1; } /*******************************************************************/ /* stopa sample from the sample list */ int stop_sample( int id ) { esd_player_t *player = esd_players_list; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "{ss} stopping sample <%02d>\n", id ); ); /* iterate until we hit a NULL */ while ( player != NULL ) { /* printf( "checking player [0x%p], format = 0x%08x, id = %d\n", player, player->format, player->source_id ); */ /* see if we hit the target sample, and it's really a sample */ if ( ( ( (player->format) & ESD_MASK_MODE ) == ESD_SAMPLE ) && ( player->source_id == id ) ) { /* remove the loop setting on the sample */ player->format &= ~ESD_MASK_FUNC; player->format |= ESD_STOP; ESDBG_TRACE( printf( "<%02d> player found, prepared for removal\n", id ); ); return 1; } /* iterate through the list */ player = player->next; } /* hmm, we didn't find the desired sample, just get on with life */ printf( "{ss} player for sample <%02d> not found\n", id ); return 0; }