#include "config.h" #include "esd.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*******************************************************************/ /* prototypes */ int esd_set_socket_buffers( int sock, int src_format, int src_rate, int base_rate ); /*******************************************************************/ /* alternate implementations */ #ifndef HAVE_INET_ATON int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp) { union { unsigned int n; char parts[4]; } u; int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0, i; i = sscanf(cp, "%d.%d.%d.%d%*s", &a, &b, &c, &d); if(i != 4) return 0; u.parts[0] = a; u.parts[1] = b; u.parts[2] = c; u.parts[3] = d; inp->s_addr = u.n; return 1; } #endif /*******************************************************************/ /* set socket buffer lengths to optimal length for audio data transfer */ int esd_set_socket_buffers( int sock, int src_format, int src_rate, int base_rate ) { int buf_size = ESD_BUF_SIZE; if ( src_rate > 0 ) buf_size = ( buf_size * base_rate ) / src_rate; if ( ( src_format & ESD_MASK_BITS ) == ESD_BITS16 ) buf_size *= 2; if ( ! ( ( src_format & ESD_MASK_CHAN ) == ESD_MONO ) ) buf_size *= 2; setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &buf_size, sizeof( buf_size ) ); setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &buf_size, sizeof( buf_size ) ); return buf_size; } /*******************************************************************/ /* send the authorization cookie, create one if needed */ int esd_send_auth( int sock ) { int auth_fd = -1, i = 0; int endian = ESD_ENDIAN_KEY; char *auth_filename = 0, auth_key[ESD_KEY_LEN]; char *home = NULL; char tumbler = '\0'; int namelen, retval; /* assemble the authorization filename */ home = getenv( "HOME" ); if ( !home ) { fprintf( stderr, "HOME environment variable not set?\n" ); return -1; } namelen = strlen(home) + sizeof("/.esd_auth"); if ((auth_filename = malloc(namelen + 1)) == 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Memory exhausted\n" ); return -1; } strcpy( auth_filename, home ); strcat( auth_filename, "/.esd_auth" ); retval = 0; /* open the authorization file */ if ( -1 == (auth_fd = open( auth_filename, O_RDONLY ) ) ) { /* it doesn't exist? create one */ auth_fd = open( auth_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ); if ( -1 == auth_fd ) { /* coun't even create it? bail */ perror( auth_filename ); goto exit_fn; } /* spew random garbage for a key */ srand( time(NULL) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < ESD_KEY_LEN ; i++ ) { tumbler = rand() % 256; write( auth_fd, &tumbler, 1 ); } /* rewind the file to the beginning, and proceed */ lseek( auth_fd, 0, SEEK_SET ); } /* read the key from the authorization file */ if ( ESD_KEY_LEN != read( auth_fd, auth_key, ESD_KEY_LEN ) ) goto exit_fd; /* send the key to the server */ if ( ESD_KEY_LEN != write( sock, auth_key, ESD_KEY_LEN ) ) /* send key failed */ goto exit_fd; /* send the key to the server */ if ( sizeof(endian) != write( sock, &endian, sizeof(endian) ) ) /* send key failed */ goto exit_fd; /* we've run the gauntlet, everything's ok, proceed as usual */ /* fsync( sock ); */ retval = 1; exit_fd: close( auth_fd ); exit_fn: free( auth_filename ); return retval; } /*******************************************************************/ /* lock/unlock will disable/enable foreign clients from connecting */ int esd_lock( int esd ) { int proto = ESD_PROTO_LOCK; int ok = 0; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound locking\n" ); */ write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ); esd_send_auth( esd ); if ( read( esd, &ok, sizeof(ok) ) != sizeof(ok) ) return -1; return ok; } int esd_unlock( int esd ){ int proto = ESD_PROTO_UNLOCK; int ok = 0; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound unlocking\n" ); */ write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ); esd_send_auth( esd ); if ( read( esd, &ok, sizeof(ok) ) != sizeof(ok) ) return -1; return ok; } /*******************************************************************/ /* standby/resume will free/reclaim audio device so others may use it */ int esd_standby( int esd ) { int proto = ESD_PROTO_STANDBY; int ok = 0; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound standing by\n" ); */ write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ); esd_send_auth( esd ); if ( read( esd, &ok, sizeof(ok) ) != sizeof(ok) ) return -1; return ok; } int esd_resume( int esd ) { int proto = ESD_PROTO_RESUME; int ok = 0; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound resuming\n" ); */ write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ); esd_send_auth( esd ); if ( read( esd, &ok, sizeof(ok) ) != sizeof(ok) ) return -1; return ok; } /*******************************************************************/ /* initialize the socket to send data to the sound daemon */ int esd_open_sound( const char *host ) { const char *espeaker = NULL; struct hostent *he; /*********************/ /* socket test setup */ struct sockaddr_in socket_addr; int socket_out; int curstate = 1; /* TODO: find out why I don't have INET_ADDRSTRLEN in my copy of /usr/include/netinet/in.h (instead of 64) */ char default_host[] = ""; char connect_host[64]; int port = ESD_DEFAULT_PORT; unsigned int host_div = 0; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound opening: %s\n", ( host ? host : "(nil)" ) ); */ /* see if we have a remote speaker to play to */ espeaker = host ? host : getenv( "ESPEAKER" ); if ( espeaker != NULL ) { /* split the espeaker host into host:port */ host_div = strcspn( espeaker, ":" ); /* get host */ if ( host_div ) { strncpy( connect_host, espeaker, host_div ); connect_host[ host_div ] = '\0'; } else { strcpy( connect_host, default_host ); } /* Resolving the host name */ if ( ( he = gethostbyname( connect_host ) ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can\'t resolve host name \"%s\"!\n", connect_host); return(-1); } memcpy( (struct in_addr *) &socket_addr.sin_addr, he->h_addr, sizeof( struct in_addr ) ); /* get port */ if ( host_div != strlen( espeaker ) ) port = atoi( espeaker + host_div + 1 ); if ( !port ) port = ESD_DEFAULT_PORT; /* printf( "(remote) host is %s : %d\n", connect_host, port ); */ } else if( !inet_aton( default_host, &socket_addr.sin_addr ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "couldn't convert %s to inet address\n", default_host ); return -1; } /* create the socket, and set for non-blocking */ socket_out = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if ( socket_out < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to create socket\n"); return( -1 ); } /* this was borrowed blindly from the Tcl socket stuff */ if ( fcntl( socket_out, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to set socket to non-blocking\n"); return( -1 ); } if ( setsockopt( socket_out, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &curstate, sizeof(curstate) ) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to set for a fresh socket\n"); return( -1 ); } /* set the connect information */ socket_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; socket_addr.sin_port = htons( port ); if ( connect( socket_out, (struct sockaddr *) &socket_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ) < 0 ) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Unable to connect to EsounD server at port %d\n", port ); */ /* fprintf(stderr,"This generally means that the program could not talk to the esound server\n"); */ return -1; } /* send authorization */ if ( !esd_send_auth( socket_out ) ) { /* couldn't send authorization key, bail */ close( socket_out ); /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound opening: authorization failed\n" ); */ return -1; } /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound opening: assigned to %d\n", socket_out ); */ return socket_out; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for playing as a stream */ int esd_play_stream( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int sock; int proto = ESD_PROTO_STREAM_PLAY; char name_buf[ ESD_NAME_MAX ]; /* connect to the EsounD server */ sock = esd_open_sound( host ); if ( sock < 0 ) return sock; /* prepare the name buffer */ if ( name ) strncpy( name_buf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else name_buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* send the audio format information */ if ( write( sock, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( sock, &format, sizeof(format) ) != sizeof(format) ) return -1; if( write( sock, &rate, sizeof(rate) ) != sizeof(rate) ) return -1; if( write( sock, name_buf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* Reduce buffers on sockets to the minimum needed */ esd_set_socket_buffers( sock, format, rate, 44100 ); /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( sock ); */ /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound playing stream\n" ); */ return sock; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for playing as a stream, fallback to /dev/dsp */ int esd_play_stream_fallback( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int socket_out; /* try to open a connection to the server */ socket_out = esd_play_stream( format, rate, host, name ); if ( socket_out >= 0 ) return socket_out; /* if ESPEAKER is set, this is an error, bail out */ if ( getenv( "ESPEAKER" ) ) return -1; /* go for /dev/dsp */ esd_audio_format = format; esd_audio_rate = rate; socket_out = esd_audio_open(); /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound playing stream fallback\n" ); */ /* we either got it, or we didn't */ return socket_out; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for monitoring as a stream */ int esd_monitor_stream( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int sock; int proto = ESD_PROTO_STREAM_MON; char name_buf[ ESD_NAME_MAX ]; /* connect to the EsounD server */ sock = esd_open_sound( host ); if ( sock < 0 ) return sock; /* prepare the name buffer */ if ( name ) strncpy( name_buf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else name_buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* send the audio format information */ if ( write( sock, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( sock, &format, sizeof(format) ) != sizeof(format) ) return -1; if( write( sock, &rate, sizeof(rate) ) != sizeof(rate) ) return -1; if( write( sock, name_buf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* Reduce buffers on sockets to the minimum needed */ esd_set_socket_buffers( sock, format, rate, 44100 ); /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( sock ); */ /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound monitoring stream\n" ); */ return sock; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for filtering as a stream */ int esd_filter_stream( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int sock; int proto = ESD_PROTO_STREAM_FILT; char name_buf[ ESD_NAME_MAX ]; /* connect to the EsounD server */ sock = esd_open_sound( host ); if ( sock < 0 ) return sock; /* prepare the name buffer */ if ( name ) strncpy( name_buf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else name_buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* send the audio format information */ if ( write( sock, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( sock, &format, sizeof(format) ) != sizeof(format) ) return -1; if( write( sock, &rate, sizeof(rate) ) != sizeof(rate) ) return -1; if( write( sock, name_buf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* Reduce buffers on sockets to the minimum needed */ esd_set_socket_buffers( sock, format, rate, 44100 ); /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( sock ); */ /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound filterng stream\n" ); */ return sock; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for recording as a stream */ int esd_record_stream( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int sock; int proto = ESD_PROTO_STREAM_REC; char name_buf[ ESD_NAME_MAX ]; /* connect to the EsounD server */ sock = esd_open_sound( host ); if ( sock < 0 ) return sock; /* prepare the name buffer */ if ( name ) strncpy( name_buf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else name_buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* send the audio format information */ if ( write( sock, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( sock, &format, sizeof(format) ) != sizeof(format) ) return -1; if( write( sock, &rate, sizeof(rate) ) != sizeof(rate) ) return -1; if( write( sock, name_buf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* Reduce buffers on sockets to the minimum needed */ esd_set_socket_buffers( sock, format, rate, 44100 ); /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( sock ); */ /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound recording stream\n" ); */ return sock; } /*******************************************************************/ /* open a socket for recording as a stream, fallback to /dev/dsp */ int esd_record_stream_fallback( esd_format_t format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ) { int socket_out; /* try to open a connection to the server */ socket_out = esd_record_stream( format, rate, host, name ); if ( socket_out >= 0 ) return socket_out; /* if ESPEAKER is set, this is an error, bail out */ if ( getenv( "ESPEAKER" ) ) return -1; /* go for /dev/dsp */ esd_audio_format = format; esd_audio_rate = rate; socket_out = esd_audio_open(); /* Reduce buffers on sockets to the minimum needed */ esd_set_socket_buffers( socket_out, format, rate, 44100 ); /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound recording stream fallback\n" ); */ /* we either got it, or we didn't */ return socket_out; } /*******************************************************************/ /* cache a sample in the server returns sample id, <= 0 is error */ int esd_sample_cache( int esd, esd_format_t format, int rate, const int size, const char *name ) { int id = 0; int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_CACHE; /* prepare the name buffer */ char name_buf[ ESD_NAME_MAX ]; if ( name ) strncpy( name_buf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else name_buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* printf( "caching sample: %s (%d) - %ld bytes\n", name_buf, esd, size ); */ /* send the necessary information */ if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &format, sizeof(format) ) != sizeof(format) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &rate, sizeof(rate) ) != sizeof(rate) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &size, sizeof(size) ) != sizeof(size) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, name_buf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &id, sizeof(id) ) != sizeof(id) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound caching sample\n" ); */ /* return the sample id to the client */ return id; } /*******************************************************************/ /* call this after sending the sample data to the server, should */ /* return the same sample id read previously, <= 0 is error */ int esd_confirm_sample_cache( int esd ) { int id = 0; /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &id, sizeof(id) ) != sizeof(id) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound confirming cached sample\n" ); */ /* return the sample id to the client */ return id; } /*******************************************************************/ /* get the sample ID for an already-cached sample */ int esd_sample_getid( int esd, const char *name) { int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_GETID; int id; char namebuf[ESD_NAME_MAX]; if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; /* prepare the name buffer */ if ( name ) strncpy( namebuf, name, ESD_NAME_MAX ); else namebuf[ 0 ] = '\0'; if ( write( esd, namebuf, ESD_NAME_MAX ) != ESD_NAME_MAX ) return -1; /* flush the socket */ /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &id, sizeof(id) ) != sizeof(id) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound getting cached sample id: \'%s\' = %d\n", name, id ); */ /* return the sample id to the client */ return id; } /*******************************************************************/ /* uncache a sample in the server */ int esd_sample_free( int esd, int sample ) { int id; int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_FREE; /* printf( "freeing sample (%d) - <%d>\n", esd, sample ); */ /* send the necessary information */ if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &sample, sizeof(sample) ) != sizeof(sample) ) return -1; /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &id, sizeof(id) ) != sizeof(id) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound freeing sample\n" ); */ /* return the id to the client (0 = error, 1 = ok) */ return id; } /*******************************************************************/ /* uncache a sample in the server */ int esd_sample_play( int esd, int sample ) { int is_ok; int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_PLAY; /* printf( "playing sample (%d) - <%d>\n", esd, sample ); */ /* send the necessary information */ if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &sample, sizeof(sample) ) != sizeof(sample) ) return -1; /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &is_ok, sizeof(is_ok) ) != sizeof(is_ok) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound playing sample\n" ); */ /* return the id to the client (0 = error, 1 = ok) */ return is_ok; } /*******************************************************************/ /* loop a previously cached sample in the server */ int esd_sample_loop( int esd, int sample ) { int is_ok; int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_LOOP; /* printf( "looping sample (%d) - <%d>\n", esd, sample ); */ /* send the necessary information */ if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &sample, sizeof(sample) ) != sizeof(sample) ) return -1; /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &is_ok, sizeof(is_ok) ) != sizeof(is_ok) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound looping sample\n" ); */ /* return the id to the client (0 = error, 1 = ok) */ return is_ok; } /*******************************************************************/ /* stop a looping sample in the server */ int esd_sample_stop( int esd, int sample ) { int is_ok; int proto = ESD_PROTO_SAMPLE_STOP; /* printf( "stopping sample (%d) - <%d>\n", esd, sample ); */ /* send the necessary information */ if ( write( esd, &proto, sizeof(proto) ) != sizeof(proto) ) return -1; if ( write( esd, &sample, sizeof(sample) ) != sizeof(sample) ) return -1; /* fsync( esd ); */ /* get the sample id back from the server */ if ( read( esd, &is_ok, sizeof(is_ok) ) != sizeof(is_ok) ) return -1; /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound stopping sample\n" ); */ /* return the id to the client (0 = error, 1 = ok) */ return is_ok; } /*******************************************************************/ /* closes fd, previously obtained by esd_open */ int esd_close( int esd ) { /* diagnostic info */ /* if ( getenv( "ESDBG" ) ) printf( "esound closing\n" ); */ return close( esd ); }