/* * Audio code using SGI's dmedia library * - original code by Karl Anders Oygard * - recording support added by Kimball Thurston 7/22/98 * * Currently the code is implemented using SGI's old library interface * ( 5.X and before ). This is still supported under at least 6.3 and 6.4 * It is unknown how long they will continue to support this API... */ #include #include ALport outaudioport; ALport inaudioport; long rate_params[] = { AL_OUTPUT_RATE, 0, AL_INPUT_RATE, 0 }; #define ARCH_esd_audio_open int esd_audio_open() { ALconfig audioconfig; audioconfig = ALnewconfig(); rate_params[1] = esd_audio_rate; rate_params[3] = esd_audio_rate; if (!audioconfig) { printf( "Couldn't initialize new audio config\n" ); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; } else { long pvbuf[] = { AL_OUTPUT_COUNT, 0, AL_MONITOR_CTL, 0, AL_OUTPUT_RATE, 0 }; if (ALgetparams(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, pvbuf, 6) < 0) if (oserror() == AL_BAD_DEVICE_ACCESS) { esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; } if (pvbuf[1] == 0 && pvbuf[3] == AL_MONITOR_OFF) { ALsetparams(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, rate_params, 2); } else if (pvbuf[5] != esd_audio_rate) { printf("audio device is already in use with wrong sample output rate\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; } /* ALsetsampfmt(audioconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP); this is the default */ /* ALsetwidth(audioconfig, AL_SAMPLE_16); this is the default */ if ( (esd_audio_format & ESD_MASK_CHAN) == ESD_MONO) ALsetchannels(audioconfig, AL_MONO); /* else ALsetchannels(audioconfig, AL_STEREO); this is the default */ ALsetqueuesize(audioconfig, ESD_BUF_SIZE * 2); outaudioport = ALopenport("esd", "w", audioconfig); if (outaudioport == (ALport) 0) { switch (oserror()) { case AL_BAD_NO_PORTS: printf( "system is out of ports\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; case AL_BAD_DEVICE_ACCESS: printf("couldn't access audio device\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; case AL_BAD_OUT_OF_MEM: printf("out of memory\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; } /* don't know how we got here, but it must be bad */ esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; } ALsetfillpoint(outaudioport, ESD_BUF_SIZE); esd_audio_fd = ALgetfd(outaudioport); /* * If we are recording, open a second port to read from * and return that fd instead */ if ( (esd_audio_format & ESD_MASK_FUNC) == ESD_RECORD ) { inaudioport = ALopenport("esd", "r", audioconfig); if (inaudioport == (ALport) 0) { switch (oserror()) { case AL_BAD_NO_PORTS: printf( "system is out of ports\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; case AL_BAD_DEVICE_ACCESS: printf("couldn't access audio device\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; case AL_BAD_OUT_OF_MEM: printf("out of memory\n"); esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; break; default: printf( "Unknown error opening port\n" ); } /* don't know how we got here, but it must be bad */ esd_audio_fd = -1; return esd_audio_fd; } ALsetfillpoint(inaudioport, ESD_BUF_SIZE); ALsetparams(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, (rate_params + 2), 2); esd_audio_fd = ALgetfd(inaudioport); } } return esd_audio_fd; } #define ARCH_esd_audio_close void esd_audio_close() { /* * I guess this chunk of code is meant to make sure that * everything that was sent to the output got written * - let's leave that in for now, but it could cause a * delay when the user hits stop * -KDT */ if (esd_audio_fd >= 0) { fd_set write_fds; FD_ZERO(&write_fds); FD_SET(esd_audio_fd, &write_fds); ALsetfillpoint(outaudioport, ESD_BUF_SIZE * 2); select(esd_audio_fd + 1, NULL, &write_fds, NULL, NULL); } ALcloseport(outaudioport); ALcloseport(inaudioport); } #define ARCH_esd_audio_write int esd_audio_write(void *buffer, int buf_size) { ALsetparams(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, rate_params, 2); if (ALwritesamps(outaudioport, buffer, buf_size / 2) == 0) { ALsetfillpoint(outaudioport, ESD_BUF_SIZE); return buf_size; } else return 0; } #define ARCH_esd_audio_read int esd_audio_read(void *buffer, int buf_size) { ALsetparams(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, (rate_params + 2), 2); if (ALreadsamps(inaudioport, buffer, buf_size / 2) == 0) { ALsetfillpoint(inaudioport, ESD_BUF_SIZE); return buf_size; } else return 0; } #define ARCH_esd_audio_flush void esd_audio_flush() { }